The Egg Book: Science of the Secondary

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

Using text from Atelier HOKO’s publication, Science of the Secondary, I designed this hand-bound book showcasing considerations in craft in printed experiences, paper stock, binding methods, and the pacing at which a story is told.

Date & Duration
Fall 2021, 6 weeks

Using text from Atelier HOKO’s publication, Science of the Secondary, craft a book. Consider material, texture, pacing, layout, composition, craft, and binding methods. You will be binding this book yourself, by hand.

I started this project by envisioning the final product. I wanted this book to resemble an egg, with a “shell”, a “white” and a “yolk”. I chose to do this with a sleeve around the outside to act as the shell, the body of the book being the white, and a fold-out poster in the center representing the yolk.

I took photos of eggs, tried many different directions, ways to create imagery. I drew out thumbnails of the layout, took photos, editing them into halftone with Photoshop.

I printed out my final project on a paper stock I’d chosen carefully, then bound the book with thread by hand, leaving the ends long and raw.

